Produces 15 x 500g jars of honey with delicate internal honey comb.
An up-market product to maximise your returns.
Place an empty Super and Lid over the jars and let the bees do their work - build the comb, fill it with honey and cap the cells.
All you do is remove the jars and top them up with your honey.
Hexagonal 500g jars, super and frames for illustration only and not included
Produces 15 x 500g jars of honey with delicate internal honey comb.
An up-market product to maximise your returns.
Place an empty Super and Lid over the jars and let the bees do their work - build the comb, fill it with honey and cap the cells.
All you do is remove the jars and top them up with your honey.
Hexagonal 500g jars, super and frames for illustration only and not included.